Sunday, August 2, 2009

Help with using sudo in a unix shell script?

I am trying to use sudo command in unix shell script. Its that it will do sudo and then search a file in the directory and then come out of the sudo account

my account = saurav

here is the script code


sudo -u abcd -s

cd /application/somefolder/


grep jdbc:oracle:thin


now how do i come out of the account to which i sudo, i can always use CTRL+D / ctrl + x from the prompt, but what should be used in the script to get out of the account back to my own account.

which is from abcd to saurav

Help with using sudo in a unix shell script?
why must you sudo as a user, then change directories, then check the id, then do a grep? shouldn't you do it all in one go?

if you setup your sudoers file correctly, the above could be accomplished with

sudo grep jdbc:oracle:thin /app/folder/

If you really need to use your version, try


or else try su saurav

Let me know if that works or not, and feel free to ask more questions


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