Monday, May 24, 2010

PHP Mail function with Unix OS?


I have Unix server and i have tried the following code to send an email:



ini_set('error_reporting', E_ALL);

ini_set ("SMTP","");

ini_set ("sendmail_path", "/usr/sbin/sendmail -t -i");

$Msg= "%26lt;Table%26gt;%26lt;tr%26gt;%26lt;td%26gt;Name %26lt;/td%26gt;%26lt;td%26gt;" .

$_REQUEST['Yname'] .

"%26lt;/td%26gt;%26lt;/tr%26gt;%26lt;tr%26gt;%26lt;td%26gt;Email%26lt;/td%26gt;%26lt;td%26gt;" .

$_REQUEST['Email'] .

"%26lt;/td%26gt;%26lt;/tr%26gt;%26lt;tr%26gt;%26lt;td%26gt;The message is%26lt;/td%26gt;%26lt;td%26gt; " .

$_REQUEST['body'] . "%26lt;/td%26gt;%26lt;/tr%26gt;%26lt;/table%26gt;";

$FMail = $_$_REQUEST ['Email'] ;

$TMail = "" ;

$MSub = "CMC-Web Mail" ;

$fromname= $_REQUEST['Yname'];

$headers = 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . "\r\n";

$headers .= 'Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1' . "\r\n";

$headers .= "From: $fromname %26lt;$FMail%26gt;" ;

if (mail ($TMail ,$MSub, $Msg,$headers))

echo "Your mail have been sent";


echo "Sorry, your mail cant be sent";



the code is successful on localhost but failed when i uploaded it to the server ==%26gt; why?

PHP Mail function with Unix OS?
$FMail is null because you're setting it improperly.

$FMail = $_$_REQUEST ['Email'] ;

should be

$FMail = $_REQUEST ['Email'] ;

The code executes fine because there's no PHP error with it in the technical sense. However, you include a bad header with your FROM field, which is probably gumming up the works and filling up your badmail folder.
Reply:Have you checked your error log? It may already tell you exactly why.

Here are a few possibilities.

Is your local machine a Windows system? The mail function in Windows will use the SMTP setting. On Unix it doesn't. On Unix it looks for sendmail.

Try eliminating the ini_set command for the sendmail_path. Usually a successful Unix installation PHP already knows where to find sendmail.

You can also eliminate the ini_set for SMTP since the Unix version ignores it.

Your HTML string in $Msg should start with %26lt;html%26gt; and end with %26lt;/html%26gt;.

For HTML email you may need a To header, and it should not use the "name %26lt;email%26gt;" format. Try using just the email address in both the To and From headers. They are interpreted differently in Unix compared to Windows.

I hope this helps.
Reply:Verify the IP address of SMTP server. If not working, then please provide some more details like what error occured!

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