Thursday, July 30, 2009

Unix interview questions...Can anyone help me with this?

The BASIC and very common unix interview questions....

Unix interview questions...Can anyone help me with this?
I dont think there are set questions.

When I did it I would tell them to go to a commands directory that is on the path, list the files there, and tell me what they do. We didnt really expect an impressive showing but we watched to see how much they stumbled around doing it.

No matter what operating system (unix, linux, mac, windows) if a person can do that and answer a tenth of the files there then they are admin material.

They might ask you to tell them which files in the command directory can be edited (use of the "file" command)

They might ask you to tell them the IP and router settings of the system

They might ask you to tell them which program is running that is handling mail, and where is it located.

They arent the type of tests that you have to know the answer to. They are tests of whther or not you know how to quickly find the answer. Dont just shrug and say "I dont know".

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