Tuesday, July 28, 2009

How to delete a unix partition from the hard disk?

I have a 4GB harddisk. C:\%26gt; and d:\%26gt; are FAT32 partions, 2 and 1 GB respectively. The OS on C:\%26gt; is Windows98. The remaining 1GB was installed Unix long back. Now, the unix is not booting up properly, and I am not going to use unix on this box anymore. So, I want to get that 1GB to visible to Windows98. I used a Windows98 bootable CDRom and tried fdisk. But, fdisk hangs once I enter the first option (i.e. fdisk asks 'Yes or No' for big partition option, but either answer takes it to hang). Even if I give "fdisk /status", it hangs.

Could anyone kindly clarify me:

1. How to get the 1GB?

2. What is the problem with fdisk?

Thanks in advance for any help in this regard.

P.S: Its a celeron 366Mhz system.

Best regards,


How to delete a unix partition from the hard disk?

when u install unix %26amp; win 98 , that time yours computer first start with unix grps boot (General Packet Radio Service) so unix is primery muster and 98 start depend on grps.

and u can not delet that unix part from fdisk. so first creat a windows 98 sartup disk from control panel then %26gt;add remove progrms %26gt;sartupdisk.

then take a bootable winwods 2000 cd . boot from cd then delete the partion of unix. restart the system . then boot the system from bootable floppy then fdisk then make the 98 partion active or primery and format the other 1 gb partion as fat32.

then u able 2 get the space.
Reply:Do you have a Unix boot up screen when you first boot the computer and you have to choose whether you want Unix or Windows? If so, the boot sector on the drive is a Unix boot sector, and this may be why fdisk is hanging.

While the other answer given here is technically correct, it is obvious that if you can't run fdisk, you can't delete the partition.

Try using the windows boot disk and run fdisk /mbr

then try to run fdisk normally and if it works, just delete the unix partiton (it will show up in the list as Non-Dos partiton) and then create a new partiton as a normal fat partition in the space freed by deleting the Unix partiton.

If using 'fdisk /mbr' does not work, and you still can't run fdisk, it may be that fdisk itself is corrupted. Try getting another boot disk or making one and use it.
Reply:There is a problem with the boot record, Use fdisk /mbr to repair your master boot record. This will only repair fat32 partitions. Fdisk will not work on unix partitions.

I use partition magic to partition my harddrives. It does recognize other partitions. I did have to pay for it though and it is now owned by Symantec.
Reply:You can use any of the windows bootup disk to do that. It will be recognized as unrecognized partition. Delete the partition and create a new one.
Reply:sounds like u need an upgrade in format put XP in the box s brian and it will fly right. 98 is a slower format junk

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