Tuesday, July 28, 2009

I am new to Unix. What do I do?

I'm really new to Unix. What are the steps to learn it?

I mean, books to follow and what to install to run shell scripts and etc etc...

I am new to Unix. What do I do?
learn unix commands: ls, cp, rm, less, etc (to learn about a command, type 'man COMMAND' to view the manual page for it).

if you want to use a windowing system, like the popular Gnome system, that makes it even easier. you can play games and surf the web.

speaking of the web, check out lynx too, it's a command-line browser - you'll see the web in text-only!


oh yeah, and learn perl too!
Reply:So what are you using? Is it really Unix on your computer? Solaris? visit www.opensolaris.org for information about Solaris.

Linux? adding to previous answers, subscribe to a linux user group of your town, look at tldp.org for many many documentation. Your distribution should have come with loads of documentation. Follow those docs.

books to follow? look up Amazon or Barnes %26amp; Nobles for beginning linux or beginning Unix.
Reply:I would try going to linux.org and use their extensive knowledge base -
Reply:I like the O'Reilly books.


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