Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Which career path is the "better" choice: Unix System Engineer or IT Storage Engineer?

With several years IT Operations experience I'm about to be promoted in one of two directions - fortunately I get to choose. I can either join the Unix System team or the IT Storage team. One path means I get to work with backups, an EMC, and distributed storage; while the other path takes me to building unix systems, installations, problem solving, and in general anything in that direction. Given that either choice defines my career in essence in IT .. which direction would be preferable? Which job path has the higher salary? Which job path has better chances of finding work generally in the marketplace? I really dont want to make a mistake with this because backtracking later could be very very difficult.

Which career path is the "better" choice: Unix System Engineer or IT Storage Engineer?
Unix anything ALL THE WAY!!! With Unix and C+ skills, that's the best in the sense that it leads to more future options. The IT storage option is good but it's also limited in what you are able to negoiate when it comes to future employment. Unix skills are a lot more difficult and there are far fewer trained employees, with less supply and high demand - that's an obvious.

Either way, storage jobs are more interactive when it comes to customer and IT relations and Unix is the opposite. Which is important to you?

In the end, i would recommend the Unix job above ANY others. Good luck i hope you are ready for the challenge regardless of your final decision because both will be extremely difficult and possibly equally "fullfilling".

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