Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Unix script help?

im taking a beginner course on UNIX, and i missed the class on scripts

anyway, im lost and have a test moday. so can anyone help me with this

one of the examples is this: write a shell called mult which is executed as ./mult a b, where a and b are integers. the script outputs the product of a and b.

if you could help me id be very appreciative, also if you can explain the process behind it that would be wonderful

Unix script help?
my guess :


expr $1 \* $2

I have no unix around, but that works under linux and SH is what is used under unix according to a site I just visited... so that should work.

don't forget to make the file executable (chmod u+x mult)

the first line indicates it must be interpreted by sh...

on the second line, you have $1 and $2 which are the arguments a and b you pass to mult on prompt...

mult itself is $0 and if you were to have 10 parameters, there would be a $10 and so on

the \* instead of * is because * is a wildcard, you can't use it for multiplying, it is then \* that must be used.

More info/examples about/with the expr command :


I'd suggest that you google something like

unix script

that's how you can find some good tutorials (you can also add this keyword (tutorial)) about unix scripting.

IMO, taking a good tutorial or two and practicing a bit probably might worth the course you're taking.

good luck!
Reply:You may contact an unix expert at websites like http://oktutorial.com/

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